Who's On Your List?

Why next week's AFL Draft is a timely reminder to review your small business team
If you're keen on your AFL Club like I am, then next Monday and Tuesday nights are compulsory viewing as you watch the AFL Draft to see the new recruits coming to your club in 2023.

It's such an exciting couple of nights, and although yes it can drag on a bit; I love seeing the excitement when a young player just out of high school is chosen, and the emotion displayed by very proud family members.

Or seeing a lifeline given to a more mature player who has been slogging it out in the VFL or at their local football club, and finally that hard work is recognised with an AFL contract.

Or seeing the draft picks (players) who supposedly should've gone higher but now become available to your club for a steal late in the proceedings.

So let's look at why the AFL Draft is a great time to review your small business team.
FOCUS:  Manage Your PEOPLE
The AFL Draft is late November after potential players have completed high school and are ready to hopefully start their new job as an AFL contracted player in December.

And as you plan for your off season (aka Christmas), it's important to put some time aside NOW to think about your team and what you need for an even more successful 2023.

One of the things which also intrigues me about the Draft, are the club selections to see whom they believe can bolster their ranks as they each progress through the 4 phases of building a premiership team:

PHASE 2       Fill the GAPS


PHASE 4       REBUILD the List
So do you know which one of these 4 phases your small business would slot into?
Because realistic expectations are critical to ensuring you're not setting yourself and your team up to fail, instead of providing the foundations needed for success.

Of course, every sporting club wants to win the flag. But unfortunately and too often, some sporting clubs, usually through their President and CEO, set very unrealistic expectations about where the side will finish that year.
And if you don't have the talent and experience on the list and haven't invested the time to building a strong game style which will hold up against the best teams, then this only results in unhappy players and very frustrated members and supporters.
Just ask Essendon and St Kilda fans this year.
The same can be said for your small business – of course you want to grow exponentially every year.

BUT if you don't currently

• have the capacity and capability amongst your team

• spend time documenting the knowledge in everyone's head into simple procedures (systems)

• spend time training people in how to do their role....

then you'll have the same outcome as an unrealistic sporting club with unhappy, frustrated and overwhelmed staff who will either eventually leave if they can't see the changing light at the end of the tunnel; or those that stay will probably check out which means your business is losing productivity and profitability every single day.
What's Next?
Just like a sporting club continually looks at their list to see whom they keep, retire, move on to another club through a trade or delist; the same principles should be applied in your small business.

So who are the 'problem' players in your team, and can you 'hand on heart' honestly say you've given them all the tools to succeed including training, documented procedures, clarity about their role etc?

Do you have any players looking to retire? If so, how's your succession planning going ie who will replace them? Have you trained someone up in the business to move into their role or do you need to recruit externally?

Do you have some long term or senior players who are just marking time until they leave or retire? If so, how can you reignite their passion and energy? Maybe consider moving them to a new role or project, just like AFL players who move from the mid field to another part of the ground.

And just like every AFL Club next week, do you need some fresh faced recruits to come into your small business to provide new ideas and energy?
And here's my final thought:
As you wind down to your Christmas off season, this is the time to think about the outcomes you want to achieve in 2023, and do you currently have the premiership team in place to succeed?

It's also a great opportunity to chat to each of your team to find out what working, what's not and what they want improved in their role in 2023; and then see how this fits into your Ideal 2023.

You'll be amazed at some of the gold to come out of these conversations because there's always at least one idea you hadn't thought of, or had the time to consider, which will enhance the productivity, profitability and performance of you, your team and your small business.
And if you missed my FREE Webinar today where I shared my 7 Sporting Insights To Grow Your Small Business, you can access the replay here.
Author: Tamara Simon

Tamara Simon uses the world of sport to coach people to grow their small business.

For over twenty years as a Speaker, Author and Coach, she's been providing much needed support to small business owners, CEOs and their teams so they can build, manage and grow a simple profitable business.

So if your organisation's members are small businesses or you're a small business owner who is...
- ready to GROW but not sure where to start

- overwhelmed with managing your GROWTH

- looking for possibilities to GROW further

Then check out her website to find out how to work with her, and book her to speak at your next event.

To find out more and buy your copy



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