Which Toy Story Character Are You (and who do you have in your team)?

Discover which of these 6 Toy Story characters are in your RTO (and how many you need)
If you're part of my database or social media community, you know this my last RTO specific blog because I'm turning my attention and energy to a new business venture.

I wanted to draw inspiration from one of my favourite movies so I hope I put a smile on your face as well as few 'hmms' and 'that's a good idea' as I provide some perspective on the Toy Story Characters in your RTO business.
FOCUS:  Manage Your PEOPLE
I'm sure many of you have seen the Walt Disney movie Toy Story. But if you haven't, here's the link to the trailer which describes the premise as 'A cowboy doll is profoundly threatened and jealous when a new spaceman figure supplants him as top boy in a boy's room.


I love this movie, not only because of the great voices of Tom Hanks and Tim Allen (I grew up on Home Improvement 😊); but because of the wonderful messages for children and adults alike which should be embraced in our personal and professional lives:

• Teamwork
• Differences
• Unexpected
• Roles
• Leadership
• Change
• Communication
• Empathy
• Understanding and I could go on
So let me share my insights on 6 Toy Story characters to see which one you and your team gravitate towards in your RTO.
Which Toy Story Character Are You (and who do you have in your team)?
1. Woody
Key Characteristics
• Born Leader
• Big Hearted
• Always Ready
• Have Badge – Will Use
I love the leadership style of Woody where he combines his initial panic (which is absolutely OK) as he reacts to what's happening to then quickly shifting to problem solving mode as he looks after each every toy.
His philosophy is simple: no toy is to be left behind, and every toy is valuable and has purpose; even those whom Andy has put on the shelf or in the toybox for a while.
He also pulls rank when he needs to which is an important part of leadership.
But I believe his best trait is change his leadership style from probably quite dictatorial in the beginning (my way is the best) to a more inclusive and open to new ideas style which brings out the best in every single toy.
So who's Woody in your RTO?
2.  Buzz Lightyear

Key Characteristics
• Fearless
• Loves Adventure
• Kind Of A Showoff
• A Little Spaced Out
Buzz' bravado and innovation is to be commended, as well as his conviction and belief that he IS a spaceman and not a toy.
What I love most is how he challenges the status quo and encourages teamwork, much to the initial angst of Woody.
But then he also rises to the challenge of Saviour – even when he's struggling inside with the realisation of only being a toy – by showing us how to embrace our true authentic self.
So who's Buzz Lightyear in your RTO?

3.  Mr Potato Head

Key Characteristics
• Easily Irritable
• Super Versatile
• Totally Cynical
• Highly Outspoken
Mr Potato Head is key to the storyline as he quickly adapts and changes to what's needed in each moment by playing Devil's Advocate or calling attention to poor behaviour or circumstances.
Because there ARE times when we all need to hear the Good, Bad and Ugly about what's happening (or not happening) in our roles and the RTO.
But as he's easily irritable, his communication style can be quite confronting especially for the new and younger toys.
So who's Mr Potato Head in your RTO?

4.  Forky

Key Characteristics
• Totally Crafty
• A Little Confused
• Prone To Existential Crises
• Big Fan Of Garbage Day
Forky does his best to use his tools to solve problems but sometimes he's uncertain of the direction Woody and Buzz want to take, or even his place in the toyroom.
And this confusion which can be quite debilitating in the toyroom (aka your RTO), can't it?
So who's Forky in your RTO?

5.  Aliens

Key Characteristics
• Super Loyal
• Out Of This World
• Travel In Packs
• Eternally Grateful
The Aliens are the eager to please and loyal toys who are so grateful for anyone's help to solve their problems and make their life better.
And don't we need more of them in our lives, businesses and ourselves – especially when times are tough?
So who's the Aliens in your RTO?

6.  Rex

Key Characteristics
• Kind and Sensitive
• Would Rather Be At Home
• Confrontation? No Thanks
• Totally Rawr-Some
Rex certainly doesn't like conflict and struggles at times with his confidence so he doesn't always stand up for himself and what he believes in.
But his empathy, kindness and sensitivity eventually shine through as he finds the bravery within himself to do whatever is needed to help his friends.
So who's Rex in your RTO?
What's Next?
If I had to guess, I'd say every RTO has at least one of each of these 6 key characters.

If you don't, which characters are you missing or need to grow a simple profitable business everyone loves?

If you do, have you got too many of each characters?

Are you tolerating instead of addressing the characteristics eg the cynicism of Mr Potato Head, which are negatively impacting on you, your team and your RTO?

And just like a sporting coach and Woody, are you valuing the strengths and skills you and every member of your team brings to the table?
And are you doing everything possible so you and they operate in their Sweet Spot 80% of every single day?
And here's my final thought:
I believe we each need to be all of these characters – the key is knowing when to change characters (aka hats) to bring out the best in yourself, your team and your RTO business.
Tamara Simon - Australia's Most Experienced RTO Business Coach
Providing PD to help you run your business which isn't about compliance
P.S. If you're looking for coaching and professional development to help you run and grow your business which isn't about compliance, then please head to my website to find out how I can solve your problems, simplify your operations and increase your profits.
Author: Tamara Simon?

Tamara Simon is Australia's Most Experienced RTO Business Coach who helps RTOs

- Solve Problems

- Simplify Operations

- Increase Profits.

For over twenty five years, she's been providing overwhelmed RTO Owners, CEOs and Managers (and their teams) with CLARITY about what's WRONG, what's POSSIBLE and what's NEXT so they can grow a simple profitable business.

To find out more about Tamara Simon and her free and paid professional development (which isn't focused on compliance) to help you run your business including her RTO GROW Program, the 'MUST DO' PD Program for anyone running or wanting to run an RTO, check out her website.


Take Another Look is the place for RTO Professional Development to help you run your business which isn't about compliance.

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