Would Your Small Business Get A Deal On Shark Tank?

Would Your Small Business Get A Deal On Shark Tank?
Find out if you're making any of my Top 10 Pitching Mistakes on Shark Tank
If you've been reading my blog for a while, you'll know I spend a lot of time reading business books and watching shows about businesses to see what ideas I can incorporate into my own business and that of my coaching customers and audiences.

But also (and I think most importantly), I want to share how NOT to re-invent the wheel by learning from the mistakes of others.

One of my favourite quotes is from Benjamin Franklin:
They that won't be counselled cannot be helped.

No one is knowledgeable enough or have enough experience to think of everything at once,
to see all possible meanings in a contract or commitment, or be aware of all the hazards,
or see all sides of a subject.

I use this quote a lot – for myself, in presentations and with my clients – to remind us that the best gift we can give ourselves, our team and our customers is the power and permission to ASK FOR HELP and that's it's OK to do so.

Because we can never (nor should we ever think we can) do everything, know everything or be good at everything.

It's a fallacy so let's stop wasting time and energy on something we'll never achieve.

In this week's blog, I share the most common pitching mistakes and best pieces of business advice from the successful entrepreneurs on Australia's Shark Tank Entrepreneurs and the UK's Dragons' Den TV Shows.

If you want to check out the shows, Dragons' Den can be streamed on UKTV and whilst strolling through a second-hand bookshop, I found the book which is great.
Dragons' Den: Success – From Pitch To Profit

Here's the Australian Shark Tank links
YouTube Channel
I've watched every show of both Dragons' Den and Shark Tank, and whilst I could understand people in the first few seasons coming on unprepared and a bit shell shocked; I am astounded that people are coming on the shows – many seasons in, with all the videos and helpful tips on the shows' websites – still unprepared and making these fundamental errors.

So let me share my Top 10 Pitching Mistakes Made On Shark Tank or Dragons' Den and how these mistakes could also be having a detrimental effect on your small business.
My Top 10 Pitching Mistakes Made On Shark Tank and Dragons' Den
MISTAKE #1: Know Your Numbers
This is the number one question asked: What Are Your Numbers?

Now if you're not sure what they mean by this (and that's a bit scary if you own or are running the small business), here's at least a few you should know immediately.

Turnover – by week, month, quarter and year
Gross Profit - by week, month, quarter and year
Total Expenses - by week, month, quarter and year
Net Profit - by week, month, quarter and year
Costs to make a product/service (eg coaching program), wholesale price (to an organisation) and retail price (to an individual)

Too often, these numbers are ignored completely because 'I'm too busy' or I get told 'I don't need to know those numbers because I have an accountant and/or bookkeeper and that's their job'.

No it's not – it's yours!

Too many people running small businesses have no idea about

• How much money they need to break even each week, let alone make a profit

• What it costs to employ a staff member

• What a product/service really costs including development and delivery time

• How many customers are needed for each product/service to break even, and then be profitable

I could go on and on but hopefully this means you're nodding Yes because you have the answers OR you've put time aside in your diary today to find out.

And always remember the Banker's Mantra because it's no good having a great product/service if you're broke.

Turnover is Vanity
Profit is Sanity
Cash is Reality (or King)

MISTAKE #2: Don't Insult The Entrepreneurs

There's a reason these business entrepreneurs are known as a Shark or a Dragon. They know their stuff, practise what they preach and have multiple businesses, many of which they've built from scratch.

Please respect their knowledge, expertise and credibility and learn from it, rather than thinking you know best. Because if you did, you probably wouldn't need them to invest in your business, oh wait, yes you do need them.

So which small business experts are you ignoring or not investing in rather than utilising them to make things easier, quicker, better and more profitable? And this includes your staff.

MISTAKE #3: Don't Pitch If You Can't Scale

Most deals are for product based businesses which can be quickly and easily scaled, either through manufacturing economies of scale and/or streamlining business operations.

Now whilst small businesses probably don't think of services they offer as a product, the same principles apply if you're looking to grow your business, seeking an investor or looking to sell.

Do you have the capacity within your current team to manage growth in enquiries and take up – either planned or unexpected?

Do you have the capability within your current team to manage this growth or do they need more training?

If you answered no to either question, then I would look at how can you develop/simplify your processes before you decide to market to the world.

Because if you can't cope NOW (and most businesses can't without additional staff and better systems), you'll do more brand damage when you provide inconsistent service and lower your standards instead of spending time in developing strong foundations.

MISTAKE #4: Know Your Ideal Customer/Target Market

Pitching to investors when you can't answer this question very specifically is a cardinal sin.

EVERYONE in (insert your industry sector or geographic location) is not an ideal customer or target market.

EVERYONE is not your ideal customer so if you think they are, sorry you need to spend time answering this question and decide who is your ideal customer and more importantly, who is not.

Once you have clarity about this, then start talking to this ideal customer, in their words, solving their problems (which isn't I need your product/service) and you'll be amazed at the quality of enquiries which start coming through your door.

MISTAKE #5: Have A Realistic Valuation

Again, I shake my head at owners who come in with a $1M valuation and they've sold less than $1000 of product.

Hope is not a strategy and just because there's eg 8 million vegans in the world who need X product, doesn't mean they will buy it.

I've seen the same thing with small businesses who believe they're going to go from zero to 1000 customers in a year, with no database and no clear marketing strategy of how to build and engage their community.

So be realistic about any financial targets and work on the philosophy of under promise and over deliver in everything you do, and that wishful target may eventually turn into reality.

And if you're looking to sell at any stage, unless you have simple documented procedures which actually work, you won't get the multiplier valuation you're seeking because knowledge in people's heads isn't sustainable, scaleable or saleable.

MISTAKE #6: Lack Of Focus Or Running A Second Business

Many people come into the Tank/Den wanting to do 27 things with the business or have 50 products – none of which are working really well.

And some have another business or two and think it's strange when they don't get a deal because they can't demonstrate single minded focus and commitment to this business (yet they want 100% commitment and focus from an investor). Ironic hey?

The same issues apply to small businesses who have too many products/services available so they can't tell me what they specialise in, and this also means staff have to jump from one project or industry to another.

You need to have single minded focus and embrace the learnings from the past few years.

Your focus should be all about Less is More and Do Less Really Well.

MISTAKE #7: Little Or No Negotiation Skills

People can get very excited when they receive an offer and rightly so, but it's important to come back with a reasonable counter offer to show the entrepreneurs you can respectfully and successfully negotiate.

But don't lose sight of the value of an expert,  Too many owners have walked out of the Tank/Den without a deal because they didn't want to give up another 2% of equity.

Experts bring their years of expertise and learnings from the mistakes they have made and that's priceless so do you want to give up some equity to get that or not?

MISTAKE #8: All Talk Is About Them And Not Enough About The Business

Sharks/Dragons want to hear about the business specifics and often when pitchers just talk about themselves, it's a red flag that they don't know the details needed to convince someone to invest.

Investors want to know about the customers, the market, the team and how you are going to help them, the investor, get their money back.

So if you had to pitch to someone about your small business (aka marketing), can you provide this detail, quickly and easily?

I'd also encourage you to look at your website – is it all about your customers and their problems – in their language, or is it all about you?

MISTAKE #9: Won't Listen To The Entrepreneurs

Or even worse, talks over the top of them, which links to my pitching mistake #2.

Think about how often you do this to a coach/consultant you've engaged, a staff member you've employed, a customer providing constructive feedback?

I'm hoping not a lot but usually all of us (and yes I include myself) speak more than we listen.

And look at what gold and invaluable advice/ideas we miss out on.

If you're investing in help, please remember, whether you're paying or not, they're giving up their time and expertise so listen more and react less. Your business will thank you for it.

And if you don't want to do this, then unfortunately, keep struggling on your own because no one is successful without help from others.

MISTAKE #10: Little Or No Market Research Or Testing

Coming into the Tank/Den with a product which has minimal or no testing with the ideal marketplace makes it almost impossible to get a deal.

Again, this is a more like a Wish and a Prayer Strategy than providing the extensive data showing how many people will actually buy the product or service.

Too many small businesses spend so much time, money and energy developing a full product/service without actually going out to the ideal customer with the concept and the price to see if people will buy.

Because until the dollars hit the bank account, it's not a real product or service; and people will say anything looks good until they are pushed to invest their hard earned cash.

If lots of people do, then you can start developing the product/service. Otherwise, it's back to the drawing board because even though you believe it's great, the market is telling you no.

Morale of the story

Be prepared!

Look at previous shows to ensure you can answer the questions and listen to the tips provided so you don't end up making a critical mistake, and ultimately losing a possible deal.

And remember:

Just like your customers and your staff; if everything else seems viable, the Sharks/Dragons will then decide to buy you – your personality, your passion, your focus and your willingness to listen and be coached by some of the best business minds.

So how do you and your small business stack up?
What's Next?
Which of these common pitching mistakes are you making right now in your small business?

And the next question is: What will you actually do about it?

It is a CHOICE to keep doing the same things which aren't working rather than actually taking the time out to fix the issue once and for all.

I know many of you will say: 'That's great Tamara but I don't have time to do it right now'.

To which my response will always be Dr Phil's catchphrase: How's that working for you?

And if you're really honest with yourself, this answer is almost always 'Hmm not really'.

Now if you don't believe me, then please check out the Sharks' one piece of business advice they give to everyone. (Though I've been saying exactly the same things for years 😊).

Steve Baxter – Internet Pioneer
Never spend a dollar to save 50 cents.
Naomi Simson – Red Balloon (now Big Red Group)
Don't rush to the urgent for the sake of the important. Too often, we let our inbox rule us – we work on what other people want us to work on rather than setting our own agenda and focusing on that instead. I'm a big believer in setting the purpose for my day, every day.
John McGrath (Real Estate Mogul)
It's not how good you are, it's how good you want to be.

Janine Allis (Boost Juice)
People are your biggest asset.... and liability. Make sure you surround yourself with dynamic, likeminded people who can help your business grow.
I'm sure you'd agree – sound business advice.
And here's my final thought:
I want you to be growing a simple profitable small business which everyone loves to be part of and is easy to run.

But in order to achieve this Dream (and yes it is achievable), you first have to STOP to determine what's not working and why.

And then START to create these new habits and systems so the business is easier to run, customers keep coming in the door and you have a happy and high performing team.

P.S Wondering how you can work with me or book me to speak at your next event?
Then let's have a chat by booking your FREE 30 Minute Zoom Session with me here.
And if you're saying you don't have 30 minutes to spare, you really need to book in a session with me because I can easily create for you at least 1 simple strategy to save 30 minutes a day.
Author: Tamara Simon

Tamara Simon uses the world of sport to coach people to grow their small business.

For over twenty-five years as a Speaker, Author and Coach, she's been providing much needed support to small business owners, CEOs and their teams so they can build, manage and grow a simple profitable business.

So if your organisation's members are small businesses or you're a small business owner who is...
- ready to GROW but not sure where to start

- overwhelmed with managing your GROWTH

- looking for possibilities to GROW further

Then check out her website to find out how to work with Tamara, and book Tamara to speak at your next event.

To find out more and buy your copy



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