Who's Really Running Your Small Business - You or Everyone and Everything Else?
7 Simple Strategies To Reclaim Your Day
As I said in last week's blog, January for small business is what sports people call their Pre-Season.

So throughout this month, I'm going to share my 5 Pre-Season Blogs with practical strategies so you can springboard into your 2023 Small Business Season by

1. Embracing Your ROLE
2. Focusing Your TIME
3. Building Your SYSTEMS
4. Managing Your PEOPLE
5. Growing Your BUSINESS

In this Pre-Season Blog #2, I'm going to share 7 simple strategies to reclaim your day including why it may be time to do an invention with yourself regarding your mobile phone, social media and email usage.

If you've missed any of my Pre-Season Blogs, you can read them here.

Ask anyone these days what they need more of or what frustrates them the most, and the answer is usually 'I don't have enough time to do everything I need to do'.

Now we all know we can't find more time because time is not an item which is lost and can be found again. All we can do is look at how and where we spend our time to see if we are actually being part of the problem instead of the solution.

So let me share with you 7 simple strategies to not only help you reclaim your day, but enable you to focus more on what's really important in your role and small business and put you back in the Driver's Seat.
STRATEGY #1  Develop Morning and End of Day Rituals
How you start and finish each day is critical to ensure you're actually driving your small business, rather than everyone and everything else.

Your day should start with not only your most important high level task, but also activities which put you in the right mental and physical state to be the best version of you every single day. For some people that's exercising, for others it's reading so you keep learning and growing as a business professional, for others it's meditation etc.

Most people however start their day with checking their social media and emails and wonder why the day not only gets away from them, but they feel like their wheels are spinning because they've started their day reacting to everything rather than being proactive and doing what's most important to them first.

The same goes for the end of each day.
Do you spend it reflecting on what worked, what didn't, the good things that happened and what's going to occur tomorrow?

Or it is simply a rush to get through as many emails as you can before you head out the door, with no thought about what's next?

If it's the latter, often this behaviour means you go home frazzled and thinking, 'I'll catch up after dinner?' rather than being present with your family, friends, pets and switching off to enable your body and mind to rest and recharge for the next day.
So what needs to change in how you start and finish each day so you're focused and less overwhelmed?
STRATEGY #2 Turn Off Your Email Notifications
Now I know many people have probably just gasped in shock or cried out, 'No I can't do that', but trust me, this is one of the first discussions I have with my coaching clients which they then implement.


Because having the sound on or seeing the envelope/message appear every time an email comes in is simply a distraction and takes your thinking away from being focused on the task at hand.

Result: Mistakes occur and tasks much longer to complete because you have one eye on your task and one eye on the bottom of your screen to see what's come in.

Is it any wonder you spend a lot of the day saying and thinking, 'Now where was I up to again?'
STRATEGY #3 Check Emails Only Three Times A Day (and don't have it open any other time)
Again, I know people will be screaming at me that this is not possible, and what a crazy idea because I have to know when emails come in.


We know being on and available 24/7 is not working for us so stop participating in a strategy which has been proven to fail – both for productivity and for mental health.

And it's easy to let people know because you add these words like I have on my email signature:

I only check my emails 3 times a day so if it's urgent, please give me a call.

And you know what, I rarely get called because things aren't as urgent as we think.
STRATEGY #4 Determine Days and Times For Specific Tasks
For many of us running a business, the tasks often left to last are marketing, finance and developing our systems.


Because we say we're too busy completing the work which brings in the money to pay the bills and I certainly get that.

But until we start looking at those 'ON THE BUSINESS' activities which need to be consistently actioned to keep customers coming through the door all year round, we won't ever get grow our business or gain the financial rewards we all so richly deserve.

When I first started coaching, I coached on whatever day and time suited my clients which meant I ended up coaching every single day, and had no time left to actually run my business.

So I changed my tact and now I generally coach Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays in a morning and afternoon slot which works for my customers and me.
This lets me have Mondays to be a ME day when I create content, undertake planning and marketing; whilst Friday is more an Admin day.

This structure provides me with consistency to ensure that every week, I'm working on my marketing, sales, finances, content creation and systems whilst also being available for my coaching and speaking clients. And yes sometimes, the days need to be switched so I can undertake a speaking engagement or a coaching client has to move something, but it works 80% of the time which is what we want.
So what 'ON THE BUSINESS' tasks do you consistently undertake, and which days and times can you block out so they actually occur every week rather than 'when you can find time' (which probably never happens).

STRATEGY #5 Block Out Your Not Negotiable Time

If your staff can book appointments into your calendar and you find you're just spending your day with back to back meetings and no time to eat, let along breathe; then this is a must for you.

Everyone in your business (not just you) needs uninterrupted time to think, to catch up on things, to plan what needs to be done.

But when calendars have lots of free meeting times, they will undoubtedly get filled.

So the simple way to change this is for you and your team to block out some uninterrupted time in your calendar to do XYZ.  And it becomes a not negotiable meeting which cannot be moved except for a family emergency.

I suggested this to one of my coaching clients who took a while to implement the strategy. But once she did, her response was 'I didn't think something so simple would work but after blocking out 2 hours every afternoon, I get so much done and I leave on time because staff know not to interrupt me and I'm focused on my tasks'.

STRATEGY #6 Review Meetings

How many times do you attend a meeting which starts and finishes late, has no agenda or you realise you didn't need to be there at all?

So isn't it time to re-look at the meetings you either call, chair or attend to ensure they are serving a purpose?

Because if they're not, what's the point?

Things to consider include:
• Start and finish on time – one of my not negotiables
• Purpose – meetings should be held for 3 reasons only (Discussion, Decisions and Information)
• Participants
• Frequency
• Agenda
• Pre-reading or work to be done beforehand
• Minutes – which could be recorded on a phone and transcribed
• Medium – face to face, zoom
• Tracking of actions to be completed

STRATEGY #7 Stop Using Email To Track Tasks and Communicate With Staff

When email first came into our lives, its purpose was actually external communication – a way for people outside of our organisation to send us documents, ideas etc in a quicker and more user friendly way than a fax machine.

Unfortunately, many of us have forgotten this and use email for telling staff what tasks to do, advising everyone of updates, ccing everyone into them instead of just who needs to know etc.

Result: Too many emails in the inbox – many of which could be communicated in a different and better way.

So if you're still using email to communicate with your team and track tasks, I would highly recommend you look at cloud based alternatives like Slack, Asana, or one of the many other task tracking/communication tools available as a better alternative to using email.

Not only will your inbox reduce dramatically but you'll be able to manage tasks and communication within your team much more easily and transparently.

What's Next?
By implementing these 7 strategies, not only will you get more work done because every one of my coaching clients, even though they resist at first, have done this over time and they then tell me how much work they're getting through; but you'll also feel less overwhelmed.

Wouldn't that be good?
Don't you think it's worth a try especially when you have nothing to lose because what you're doing now is probably not working as well as what you'd like?

So now's the time to take action.

Get out your diary and block out 4 x 15 minute blocks over the next 5 days to implement each of these 7 strategies, and let me know how you go.
And here's my final thought:
If your first response to implementing any of these 7 strategies is 'No, that won't work for me', then I'd say to you 'But what if it did?'.

Too often we say no to things without considering or trying them, to the detriment of ourselves, our team and our small business.

And if you're still not convinced, maybe it's time to re-look at how and where you spend your time; and consider an intervention about your relationship with your phone, email and social media because if you're always ON, you're paying a huge price for that.
P.S. Look out next week for Pre-Season Blog #3: Build Your SYSTEMS
Author: Tamara Simon

Tamara Simon uses the world of sport to coach people to grow their small business.

For over twenty years as a Speaker, Author and Coach, she's been providing much needed support to small business owners, CEOs and their teams so they can build, manage and grow a simple profitable business.

So if your organisation's members are small businesses or you're a small business owner who is...
- ready to GROW but not sure where to start

- overwhelmed with managing your GROWTH

- looking for possibilities to GROW further

Then check out her website to find out how to work with her, and book her to speak at your next event.

To find out more and buy your copy



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