The Power (or Damage) To Your Brand When You Say Yes

The Power (Or Damage) To Your Brand When You Say Yes
Lessons from Reality TV for your small business
I've previously commented about the bullying and disrespect displayed in many reality TV Shows, and it's made me think further about the reputational damage or enhancement to a person's brand by saying Yes to be part of these shows.

As Married At First Sight (MAFS) has started for another season, I thought I'd delve a bit deeper into this issue because your daily decisions can either make your small business foundations stronger or cracks will start appearing.

However please note, as I rarely watch reality TV unless it's business related, my observations are mainly from the ads for the shows.
This show has three panellists whose reputation and brand portrays them as 'Relationship Experts', and that based on a questionnaire and selection process, they can match perfect strangers together for a lifetime of marriage bliss.

Therefore, they're saying to the world; if you can't find your perfect partner then come to us and we can solve this problem for you.

So here's my thoughts:

- Are they really Experts when their track record of success ie people living happily ever after is very low across most seasons?

- They appear to tolerate and actually enable bullying and disrespectful behaviour for the entertainment value it provides.

- Would you go to them if your relationship was in trouble or you needed help finding your perfect partner? I think the answer would be No unless you wanted some notoriety by saying you went to the MAFS Expert.

Now think about their business brand which is also their personal brand.

Do you think they have created a positive image for their brand, or instead done damage to their brand by saying Yes to being on a national TV show – which gets edited (possibly without their consent)?

Maybe this isn't a concern for them because they keep coming back and being on the show, but I know this would be an issue for me because I protect my name, reputation and brand at all costs.
Samuel Johnson is the Australian actor probably best known as Evan from The Secret Life of Us or when he played Molly Meldrum in the mini series Molly for which he won the Gold Logie.

But what he's most passionate about is the charity he and his sister, Connie, set up in 2012 called Love Your Sister which only has one mission: Vanquishing All Cancers.

To help raise the profile and funds for this very personal cause, in 2019 he said Yes to being on Dancing With The Stars and ended up winning which was fantastic.

I caught one of Sam's dances and his comments to the hosts as part of the post-dance evaluation. On at least 3 occasions, I heard Sam say this:

I've just got Connie's voice in my head saying, 'NOW is Awesome'.

What a beautifully simple, profound and wonderful phrase to both ground and inspire all of us to embrace each and every day with joy and happiness, rather than negativity and resentment.

So I ask you, did Sam enhance or damage his brand and personal reputation by saying Yes to being on the show?

I know the answer as I'm sure you do as well, especially when you think about the bravery of Sam because he acknowledged upfront he couldn't dance, but would give it a red hot go for a bigger cause and purpose.
What's Next?
We all have a choice as to what we say Yes to each and every day.
And often these decisions will either make our small business foundations stronger or start cracks appearing.
So I hope you'll spend a few moments to think not only about your brand reputation; but also whether, by simply saying Yes or making a public comment on social media, if it really IS the best decision at this time and for the long term viability of your small business.
And here's my final thought:
People have very long memories, and one slip up could be very costly, and in some cases, irreversible damage; and I would hate for that to happen to you and your small business.

And as we all know; Australia and your industry sector is so much smaller than we think.

P.S Need some help to REPAIR, RENOVATE or REBUILD your small business?
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And if you're a small business owner saying you don't have any TIME to spare, you really need my help because I can create at least 1 simple strategy to save you 30 minutes a day.
Author: The Five Little Business Pigs Book

Tamara Simon helps owners REPAIR, RENOVATE and REBUILD their small business foundations from straw to brick and beyond by.....

- FIXING the cracks

- FINDING missing bricks

- FACING the Wolves


For over twenty years as a Speaker, Author and Coach, she's been providing much needed support to small business owners, CEOs and their teams so they can build, manage and grow a simple profitable business they actually love.

So if your organisation's members are small businesses or you're an owner looking to REPAIRRENOVATE or REBUILD your small business, the please book your free 30 min chat with Tamara here.

Then check out her website to find out how to work with Tamara, and book Tamara to speak at your next event.

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