It's More Than A Game

Insights we can learn from sport to grow our small business
Like many people in Australia and around the world, I live and breathe sport.
I love watching it, reading about it, listening to people talk about it; and in years gone by, playing netball and tennis.
As not only a lover of sport but a student of sport, I see so many insights and synergies between what it takes to become a successful sporting player or team, and what it takes to build a simple profitable business we actually love – something every business owner strives to achieve.
FOCUS: Grow Your Business
Some of these sporting insights relevant for small businesses include:
  • The need for a coach to provide an unbiased and supportive perspective AND the strategy and steps required for success.
  • The power of teamwork and what can be achieved when you work together for a common dream.
  • Recognising it takes more than passion, talent and persistence to succeed.
  • The fickle nature of changing environments.
  • The need to innovate to keep ahead of the game and competitors.
  • How we're nothing without our supporters and customers.
  • Investing time and energy into building systems is essential to instill confidence, consistency and capability.
  • Culture and reputation are everything and can be damaged in an instant.
  • Why it's critical to keep your eye on the numbers.
  • How sport connects people and gives back to the community.
  • The happiness sport brings to so many which in turn helps mental health and well being.
  • Long term success won't happen without strong financial viability.
And I could go on and on.... and over time I will.
I realise not everyone likes sport which I totally understand because it's not for everyone.  But whether you like sport or not, I'm sure you'd agree, there are definitely similarities between sport and small business.
I hope you'll join me on Wednesday 23rd November when I'll share 7 of my favourite sporting insights to grow your small business.

I've got plenty of great examples to share and practical advice to offer which can be easily embraced and implemented into any small business.

So whether you're....

- ready to GROW your small business but not sure where to start

- overwhelmed with managing your GROWTH or

- looking for possibilities to GROW ...

this NO SELL Webinar is right for you.

Please click this link to register and come along on Wednesday 23rd November at 10am QLD time which will be 11am for many of you.

And if you can't make it on the day, please register anyway to get the recording.

Cheers and I look forward to seeing you then
Author: Tamara Simon

Tamara Simon uses the world of sport to coach people to grow their small business.

For over twenty years as a Speaker, Author and Coach, she's been providing much needed support to small business owners, CEOs and their teams so they can build, manage and grow a simple profitable business.

So if your organisation's members are small businesses or you're a small business owner who is...
- ready to GROW but not sure where to start

- overwhelmed with managing your GROWTH

- looking for possibilities to GROW further

Then check out her website to find out how to work with her, and book her to speak at your next event:

To find out more and buy your copy



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