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The place for RTO Professional Development to help run your business
which isn't about compliance
Tamara Simon is an accomplished Speaker and Trainer who provides audience members with simple solutions in her tough love, passionate, high energy and fun manner.

She has spoken at business and VET conferences including being voted by delegates as one of the Top 5 Presenters at Velg Training's National VET Conference.
Kristy - Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation

Thanks so much again Tamara for your encouragement, inspiration and your time. 
Your NVC session was by far the best one I attended.

Tamara can be booked as a Keynote, Workshop or Webinar Presenter
for your next Conference or as part of your RTO's Inhouse PD Program.

*  90 minutes

*  1 hour

* Full Day

* Half Day
*  1 hour

*  90 minutes
Tamara Simon speaks on 5 Key Topic Areas to help you
Build, Manage and Grow Your RTO Business
All topics are customised

If you'd like something different, please contact Tamara to discuss

Topics include:

Shh... Don't Mention the 'S' Word

Systems = Change So Are You Ready?

All topics are customised

If you'd like something different, please contact Tamara to discuss

Topics include:
Think People Are Your Biggest Problem?
Think Again!

Boost Your RTO's Profitability,
Productivity and Performance

All topics are customised

If you'd like something different, please contact Tamara to discuss

Topics include:

Who's Really Running Your RTO:
You or everyone and everything else?

To Grow Or Not To Grow?
That Is The Question!

How To Write Your Annual Business Plan
... all on 1 Page!

All topics are customised

If you'd like something different, please contact Tamara to discuss

Topics include:
The Five Little RTO Pigs: Which One Are You?

Are You The Reluctant
RTO Owner/CEO/Manager?

What's In Your RTO Suitcase?

All topics are customised

If you'd like something different, please contact Tamara to discuss

Topics include:
Mastering the Art
of Smart Work over Hard Work

The Power of an Hour

Please check out my Videos and Podcasts Page to see my presentation style and the help I provide RTOs.
To book Tamara for your next Conference or as part of your RTO's inhouse PD Program,
please complete your details below.
What people say....

Tamara Simon - What a Presenter!

The way she had everyone's attention for the whole presentation was outstanding.

Tamara's experience and knowledge is extensive and her passion for the training industry is evident.

I would not hesitate to recommend Tamara for your next presentation or conference.


Your topic name was thought provoking and struck a nerve with me.

Once I attended your session, I liked your simple, no mucking around approach to systems and I wanted to learn more from you.

You made my problems seem easier to tackle that I originally thought.


Just heard Tamara speak at NVC and she was terrific!

Whole session was full of invaluable tips and advice for businesses and RTOs.  

Tamara has a no nonsence, down to earth, easy to understand speaking style that resonated well with the group.  Well done and thanks - can't wait to see more of your content.

I would recommend your services to anyone serious about improving their business.
Copyright © Tamara Simon T/A Take Another Look 2024 All Rights Reserved
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