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The place for RTO Professional Development to help run your business
which isn't about compliance
My RTO Conversations Webinar Series has now finished.

Huge thanks to Maciek Fibrich from RTO Consultancy, David Jepsen from RTO Accountants,
Melanie MacDonald from Mana Social and Pauline Caruana
who so generously gave of their time, advice and inspiration
to help everyone running an RTO manage their compliance, finance and marketing.

If you've missed any of the webinars from the past 3 years,
please scroll down to access the webinar and audio recordings.
2022 Webinar: 
Catch up on the final RTO Conversations Webinar by watching or listening to it here.
AUDIO - RTO Conversations 1 'Must Do' Tip To Thrive in 2022: February 2022
Tamara Simon and all 3 specialists: Maciek Fibrich, David Jepsen and Melanie MacDonald
2021 Webinars:  Catch up on any webinars you've missed by watching or listening to them here.
AUDIO - RTO Conversations Crystal Ball for 2022: November 2021
Tamara Simon and all 3 specialists: Maciek Fibrich, David Jepsen and Melanie MacDonald
AUDIO - RTO Conversations Good News Stories: October 2021
Tamara Simon and all 3 specialists: Maciek Fibrich, David Jepsen and Melanie MacDonald
AUDIO - RTO Conversations Compliance: September 2021
Tamara Simon & Maciek Fibrich - Key Takeaways from NVC including Maciek's session
AUDIO - RTO Conversations Finance: August 2021
Tamara Simon & David Jepsen - The Financial Toll Of Lockdowns on RTOs
AUDIO - RTO Conversations Marketing: July 2021
Tamara Simon & Melanie MacDonald - What To Do When Your Marketing Doesn't Work
AUDIO - RTO Conversations Pivoting: June 2021
Tamara Simon and all 3 specialists: Maciek Fibrich, David Jepsen and Melanie MacDonald
AUDIO - RTO Conversations Finance: May 2021
Tamara Simon and David Jepsen - What Does RTO Financial Success Look Like?
AUDIO - RTO Conversations Marketing: April 2021
Tamara Simon and Melanie MacDonald - 2020 Marketing Thinking Won't Work In 2021
AUDIO - RTO Conversations Compliance: March 2021
Tamara Simon and Maciek Fibrich - Making the most of 2021
AUDIO - RTO Conversations Q and A: February 2021
Tamara Simon and all 3 specialists: Maciek Fibrich, David Jepsen and Melanie MacDonald
2020 Episodes:  Please watch the webinar or listen to them here.
RTO Conversations Q and A: November 2020
Tamara Simon and Melanie MacDonald (Managing Marketing)
RTO Conversations Q and A: October 2020
Tamara Simon and Maciek Fibrich (Managing Compliance)
RTO Conversations Q and A: September 2020
Tamara Simon and David Jepsen (Managing Finances)
RTO Conversations Q and A: August 2020
Tamara Simon and Melanie MacDonald (Managing Marketing)
RTO Conversations Q and A: July 2020
Tamara Simon and David Jepsen (Managing Finance)
RTO Conversations Q and A: June 2020
Tamara Simon and Maciek Fibrich (Managing Compliance)
RTO Conversations Q and A: May 2020
Tamara Simon and Melanie MacDonald (Managing Marketing)
RTO Conversations Q and A: April 2020
Tamara Simon and David Jepsen (Managing Finance)
RTO Conversations Q and A: March 2020
Tamara Simon and Maciek Fibrich (Managing Compliance)
RTO Conversations Q and A: February 2020
Tamara Simon and all 3 specialists: Maciek Fibrich, David Jepsen and Melanie MacDonald
2019 Episodes:  If you've missed any, please watch or listen to them here.
RTO Conversations Q and A: (November)
Tamara Simon and all 3 specialists: Maciek Fibrich, David Jepsen and Pauline Caruana
RTO Conversations - Email Marketing for RTOs (October)
Tamara Simon and Pauline Caruana (Managing Marketing)
RTO Conversations - The Cost of Training (September)
Tamara Simon and David Jepsen (Managing Finance)
RTO Conversations - Compliant Assessment Instruments (August)
Tamara Simon and Maciek Fibrich (Managing Compliance)
RTO Conversations - Blogging for RTOs (July)
Tamara Simon and Pauline Caruana (Managing Marketing)
RTO Conversations - Preparing for End/New Financial Years (June)
Tamara Simon and David Jepsen (Managing Finance)
RTO Conversations - Trainers/Assessors: Asset or Liability? (May)
Tamara Simon and Maciek Fibrich (Managing Compliance)
RTO Conversations - Facebook for RTOs (April)
Tamara Simon and Pauline Caruana (Managing Marketing)
RTO Conversations - Financial Viability (March)
Tamara Simon and David Jepsen (Managing Finance)
RTO Conversations - Mastering the Monthly Meeting (February)
Tamara Simon and Maciek Fibrich (Managing Compliance)
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