Now I'm not saying every Owner should do a complete 360 and become tyrants instead.
But there is a reason why you own the business.
Because it's your business.
And if you truly want to be the successful Small Business Owner and not the Reluctant Small Business Owner I refer to my in book, then there will be times when you have to have hard conversations with your team.
Step 2 is about whether you DARE to Lead.
DARE is an acronym for:
D irection
A ccountability
R esponsibility
E xample
Here's a snapshot of what I mean by DARE to Lead.
Leadership begins with Direction so what direction is your small business taking?
Do you have a clear vision and strategy which you've articulated to your team in words they understand?
Does your strategy need to change due to market shifts, the economy, legislative changes, technology or innovation?
Are your team onboard with the strategy or do you need to communicate it differently?
Unfortunately, I see too many people, with the best of intentions, missing the Accountability step.
Mistakes happen and I get that.
As I often said to my girls when I coached junior netball, 'stuff happens. It's about what you do next that matters'.
If they've had an uh-oh moment because they missed a shot or threw away a pass, I needed them to quickly refocus, switch back on and get the ball back.
Unfortunately, I see too many owners and their team spending energy on blaming each other or not addressing accountability at all.
Stuff happens so we need to own it.
Focus on what you can improve and avoid the mistake next time. It will be a much better use of your time and energy rather than playing the blame or ignore it games.
This goes hand in hand with Accountability.
I get frustrated when people don't take Responsibility for their own work and own decisions, and the subsequent consequences.
In this age of technology, it seems people have lost the art of remembering to do the things they said they would do.
Instead of this responsible behaviour, the trend I'm seeing involves excuses like, 'You didn't send me a text message reminder', or 'You didn't send me an email about that', even when both people were at the same meeting.
So take responsibility for what you've agreed to do and write it down in a notebook or on your phone and stop waiting for someone else to remind you.
We all know great leaders walk the talk and empower their staff so what's your Leadership Example?
I'm sure you have your own way of describing leadership but a simple definition is 'the activity of leading a group of people or an organisation'.
Simon Sinek, in his book The Infinite Game, says
Leaders are not responsible for the results.
Leaders are responsible for the people who are responsible for the results'.
I love this quote.
Not only because I agree with it wholeheartedly, but it's an opportunity for anyone who's got the top job (aka Owner/CEO/Manager) to ensure they provide their team with the tools to succeed; as well as the support and clarity needed to undertake their role quickly and easily.
I also believe EVERYONE in a small business is a Leader.
All that changes is the level of responsibility and delegation.