The Power Of An Hour

The Power Of An Hour
Why reacting to everyone and everything is not helping you or your small business
For most people running a small business, the thought of getting back an hour a day seems unattainable.

But it really is easier to achieve than you think.

However, like any ideas or examples you read or hear about, it's all about applying them consistently each and every day so the strategies and techniques move from occasional tasks to the ingrained habits you do automatically.
With that in mind, what is an hour really?

It is 60 minutes which could be chunked into:

• 1 x 60 minutes
• 2 x 30 minutes
• 3 x 20 minutes
• 4 x 15 minutes
• 5 x 12 minutes
• 6 x 10 minutes.

But first, you have to do things smarter so the hour comes more easily, regardless of which chunking down combination you apply.

And why is that important?
Because TIME = MONEY.

Imagine if you could 'get back' an hour a day by doing things differently.

What would that look like? What would that feel like?

Using an example of an hourly charge out rate of $100 (the value placed on your knowledge and skill), saving an hour means your earnings would look like this.

... per hour                 $100
... per day                   $800
... per week                $4000
... per month             $16 000
... per year                 $192 000

Initially, you may not see this figure (savings) on your profit and loss statement or in your bank account; but if you work smarter, not harder, you would eventually see this figure in your bank account.

Because of the many ways you could use this extra hour to:

• develop a profitable partnership/alliance

• submit a winning tender

• gain new clients

• develop new products and services

• writing engaging content to share on social media

• catch up on the never ending task list

• support and train your team

• have some time away from technology and the office to THINK

• Or take the much needed holiday (oh my goodness) so you don't suffer from mental overwhelm and be forced to take time off.

This is the power of an hour and why it's so important to develop habits slowly, enabling you to become more proactive than reactive in managing your small business.

And remember, it's not about finding one hour in a chunk, though, if you can, that's great.

It's about finding one hour over the working day.

I know for myself as a Speaker, Author and Coach, finding an hour all together can be sometimes quite difficult.

But everyone can find blocks of 10 or 15 minutes at a time; and if you can't, then there are greater issues in your small business which need to be dealt with immediately.

Side comment: If this is you, then please book in for a FREE PROBLEM SOLVING SESSION here because I'll 'find' at least an hour a day for you in just 30 minutes!
What's Next?
If you're struggling with focus, maybe you could also consider adopting the Pomodoro Technique originally created by Francesco Cirillo and used by many people to increase their productivity and work more effectively.

Pomodoro Technique

This technique enables you to work in short, sharp bursts during your day, as well as taking regular breaks.

Short intervals
• 25 minutes on with five minutes off
• every four to five Pomodoros, you take an extended break.
During each Pomodoro, you close down all distractions including phone and email so you can focus solely on the task at hand.
Pomodoro tasks could be reviewing your financial numbers, writing an article or blog, developing a new product or service, simplifying your enquiry process or completing a 'procrastination' task.

The five minute break is to gain time and space from both the task and your computer so get up, stretch, make a drink... anything which keeps you relaxed but keeps the blood flowing.
After this 5 minute break, you're ready to focus on yet another 25 minute burst.
So I'm wondering, do you already use the Pomodoro technique in your work day?
If not, is this something you will now build into your workday?
And is it something your staff could also embrace?
Imagine what you could complete if you only do 2 Pomodoros a day?
Imagine if you did four, six or more?
And here's my final thought:
What strategies will you embrace to regain your POWER HOUR?

How will you chunk down your day so you are always spending at least an hour a day, not only more productively; but growing your small business, not just working in it?

By embracing your power hour, you will continue to build and grow a simple, profitable small business you and your team actually love to be part of .... one brick (aka a 15 minute chunk) at a time.

P.S And don't forget to book your FREE PROBLEM SOLVING Session with me here to help you solve the problems in your growing small business.
And if you're saying you don't have 30 minutes to spare, you really need to book in a session with me because I can easily create at least 1 simple strategy to save you 30 minutes a day so you've got nothing to lose!
Author: Tamara Simon

Tamara Simon uses the world of sport to coach people to grow their small business.

For over twenty-five years as a Speaker, Author and Coach, she's been providing much needed support to small business owners, CEOs and their teams so they can build, manage and grow a simple profitable business.

So if your organisation's members are small businesses or you're a small business owner who is...
- ready to GROW but not sure where to start

- overwhelmed with managing your GROWTH

- looking for possibilities to GROW further

Then check out her website to find out how to work with Tamara, and book Tamara to speak at your next event.

To find out more and buy your copy



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