Set up rules so emails move automatically into organised folders rather than into an overflowing inbox.
A never ending inbox instead of white space adds to your feelings of overwhelm so set up these rules so emails start in the correct folders in the first place, rather than sitting unorganised in your inbox.
TIP #3
Develop weekly rituals and stick to them.
I know you've probably shuttered but I promise you, the world will not end and you'll be amazed at how much you achieve without this distraction.
TIP #5
Have an answering machine or service so you can be 'offline' for at least an hour a day.
However, for this to work, you also have to turn down the volume.
It may seem obvious but when I suggested to a client they purchase an answering machine, they told me they had one but it didn't work. 'Is it broken?' I asked. 'No', they replied, 'but what happens is the phone rings and I stop working so I can listen to the message to see if I need to call them straight back.
My look said it all.
Side comment: When I wrote this in 2016, answering machines/services were still popular so maybe the equivalent today is a Virtual Assistant (VA).
TIP #6
Use a timer to limit (or focus) your time on a particular activity and then stop when it dings.
If you find yourself going down the rabbit hole and losing all track of time, this is a simple way to not only keep you focused but when it dings, you can then decide to either keep going if you're on a roll (and your diary allows this) or you stop and congratulate yourself on what you've done and then you move on to the next activity.
TIP #7
Focus on doing your three most important things every single day and then move on to the rest.
How you start and finish your day is critical, and yet most people start and end it with email which doesn't usually help achieve your Annual Business Plan.
So before the interruptions from email, phonecalls and staff start; take back control of your day instead of it ruling you.
TIP #8
Work out your hourly rate (your value) and then ensure you're spending as much time as possible on activities which add value to your small business (and equate to this high-value rate).
Even if there's just you in your business, it's important to know what tasks you're great at and those you're not so when cash becomes available, you can get help with the activities which you don't love to do, are not good at and take up a lot of your time so you start focusing on the more profitable ones.
TIP #9
Spend time working out your financial numbers to ensure you cover how much it costs to keep the doors open (which includes paying yourself).
There's no point delivering a product or service if, at the end of the day, you don't even earn $20 per hour; regardless of the amount shown on the invoice.
If like me, you sometimes struggle with procrastination, Brian Tracy developed his Eat The Frog concept to ensure people focus on what's really important. If you're not familiar with it, here's the YouTube video so you can just do it.
I have a page of cute frogs which I laminate and provide to my clients and workshop participants; as well as using them on my whiteboard as a visual reminder to Eat My Frog. If you would like a copy, please send me an email.
Then let's have a chat by booking your FREE 30 Minute Zoom Session with me here.
And if you're saying you don't have 30 minutes to spare, you really need to book in a session with me because I can easily create at least 1 simple strategy to 'get you back' 30 minutes a day.
Tamara Simon uses the world of sport to coach people to grow their small business.
For over twenty-five years as a Speaker, Author and Coach, she's been providing much needed support to small business owners, CEOs and their teams so they can build, manage and grow a simple profitable business.
Then check out her website to find out how to work with Tamara, and book Tamara to speak at your next event.