No Wonder There Is Bullying And Disrespect In The Workplace

No wonder there is bullying and disrespect in the workplace
Why watching something 'for fun' is actually having a deeper impact
Now please don't mistake my headline to mean I support bullying and disrespect because I certainly do not.

And as someone who has been bullied twice in the workplace (ironically by women), I could go on and on about this topic.

So as the new seasons of Reality TV has started on our screens again, it's timely to share this blog again as I want to shine the light on one of the reasons I believe this is happening.
FOCUS:  Embrace Your ROLE
I rarely watch reality TV unless it's business related: (Shark Tank, Dragons Den and SBS Business Secrets to name a few) and maybe you don't watch reality TV either.

But it seems many people do, especially the younger generation, so let's look at a few commonly watched TV shows:

• Dance Moms
• My Kitchen Rules
• Married at First Sight
• The Block
• Masterchef
• The Kardashians

Now I have seen a few episodes of Masterchef, and snippets on the ads and across social media of the other shows. And apart from Masterchef (and again I am only quoting from a limited viewing experience), but it seems to me, there is a common denominator in all the other shows and that is to Name and Shame in the most disrespectful way.

Why? Because that's entertainment.

And because it's viewed as entertainment and not a workplace (which it is), it appears to be actively encouraged by producers because that's what will rate and create discussion which adds to the ratings.

I see a lot of rolling of eyes, pouting, offensive behaviour and language, tantrums, gossiping, backstabbing – I could go on but I'm sure you've got the picture.

But Masterchef appears to be different.
It seems to have contestants who genuinely love food and understand it's a competition but also want to support people on their cooking journey.

Whereas the other shows don't have this at their core.
Instead, they seem to want to actively tear the other people down so they can win at any cost. So the snarkiest comment wins rather than the positive one.

And do the compares/judges/hosts/dance teacher pull up this bad behaviour. Of course not because that's not great TV.

Do the parents or other contestants express their unhappiness with this behaviour?

Yes but mostly only to camera or other contestants/parents rather than with the person involved. Again, because that's great TV and they don't want their time in the TV spotlight to end.

Dance Moms is a perfect example of this because the parents constantly complain about Abby's (Dance Teacher) negative behaviour towards the children and parents.

BUT they continue to stay and submit their children to being bullied every single day which I find quite shocking parenting.
And if the ads are anything to go by, then many of the shows I've mentioned including Married At First Sight seem to have the same objective.

So on the one hand, there is all this outrage because we want bullying out of our schools, cyberspace and workplaces; and yet it seems too many people love it and want more of it in a Reality TV Show?

And if this is what people are watching on free to air TV, Foxtel, Netflix etc; then is it any wonder they believe it is normal to treat people like this in the workplace because the behaviour is tolerated and encouraged rather than reprimanded?

I wonder then if you have been inadvertently tolerating bad behaviour within your workplace (and I'm hoping not, but remember you could be the perpetrator rather than the observer) instead of addressing it and re-setting boundaries and expectations?
What's Next?
So here's my challenge to every small business Owner, CEO or Manager reading this:

Please have a staff meeting and raise the points in my blog to see how you and your team really feel about these issues.

And if you don't like what you hear or realise you've let things go off the rails for far too long, then please use this as an opportunity to reset yourself, your team and your small business.

And here's my final thought:

Once you've done this, you can start being the example of the values and culture you want everyone in your small business to portray, rather than the nasty over-the-top drama people we see on TV.

Otherwise, you may remain a hypocrite because you want one thing in the workplace and yet love the opposite in your personal life which is quite the authenticity dilemma.

P.S Wondering how you can work with me or book me to speak at your next event?

Then let's have a chat by booking your FREE Zoom Session here.

And if you're saying you don't have any time to spare, you really need to book in a session with me because I can easily create at least 1 simple strategy to save you 30 minutes a day.

Author: Tamara Simon
aka - the Bob the Builder for Small Business
Tamara Simon helps owners navigate the challenges in their small business by ....

SOLVING frustrating problems

SIMPLIFYING overwhelming systems

SUPPORTING them in times of confusion and uncertainty

For over twenty-five years as a Speaker, Author and Coach, she's been providing much needed support to small business owners, CEOs and their teams so they can build, manage and grow a simple profitable business they actually love.

Tamara develops speaking topics and runs WORKshops for small businesses around....

1. Her Book - The Five Little Business Pigs

2. Navigating Challenges

3. Sporting Insights

So if your organisation's members are small businesses OR you're a small business owner ...

FRUSTRATED because you know something's WRONG but you don't know WHAT it is

CONFUSED because you know WHAT is wrong but don't know HOW to solve it

OVERWHELMED with managing your growing business BECAUSE what was working now isn't.

Then check out her website to find out how to work with her, and book the 'Bob the Builder for Small Business' to speak at your next event.

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