Are You Getting In The Way Of Your Success?

Are You Getting In The Way Of Your Success?
How well intended 'interference' actually creates more problems for your team and small business
I'm sure every owner thinks they're doing the best they can to ensure the survival and success of their small business.

But did you know that unfortunately many actually get in their own way; and instead of letting people help the business, they interfere and ultimately hinder their own bottom line?

So in this week's blog, I'm talking directly to those small business owners who have employed a CEO or Manager to run their day to day operations.

If you haven't taken that step yet, then this blog outlines the things to avoid if and when this does happen in your small business.

Side note: Whilst this blog is targeted at small business owners; if you run the business on behalf of the owner, then I'd also encourage you to read this blog because it may be something you should share with your owner to help alleviate your frustrations 😊.
So after much deliberation, you've decided to take some of your hard earned cash and employed someone to run the day to day operations of your small business to enable you to 'get on with the things you love to do' which is great.

However, with the best of intentions, most owners find it really difficult to delegate, let alone actually hand over everything involved in this role and responsibility– making the relationship between CEO/Managers and the owner quite problematic.
So if this is maybe you, then I'd like you to please consider these 7 Key Questions:
1. Do you go into the office every day?

2. Do you approve every payroll payment?

3. Is there an approved budget for each financial year?

4. Is there a Delegations Register outlining what the people in each position can and can't do?

5. Do you have weekly and monthly meetings with your CEO/Manager?

6. Do you manage staff issues?

7. Have you clearly documented the work you want to do and the work you DON'T want to do?

The reason I ask you to ponder these 7 questions is because these are some of the issues staff talk to me about when explaining how frustrated and hamstrung they feel in their CEO/Management roles.

So let me share with you why your CEOs/Managers are frustrated
1. Do you go into the office every day?

Why and if you do, what's the purpose – to do what tasks?

Are you there to fill in time because you 'believe' as the owner, you have to be in the office every day; or are you generating income for the business and making things better?

2. Do you approve every payroll payment?

If you've delegated this task and authority to either a Finance Manager, or if your business is still quite small, another staff member; then why are you still doing this because isn't it their job?

3. Is there an approved budget and cash flow projection for each financial year?

If yes, then why do you need to see and approve payroll and general expenses?

If no, then why not because you can't run a simple profitable business without them?

4. Is there a Delegations Register outlining what each position in your business can and can't do?

If yes, then are you letting people manage their own roles and responsibilities in accordance with this Delegations Register; or are you changing the goalposts by 'interfering' in what they do - with the best of intentions?

If no, then how can people know what they can and can't do in their positions if it's not documented?

5. Do you have weekly and monthly meetings with your CEO/Manager?

If yes, are these high level strategy meetings looking at the overall viability of the business (ie. performance, productivity and profitability) and how it will continue to grow?

Or are you discussing nitty gritty details that again you are paying someone to deal with so you don't have to?

If no, then how are you ensuring staff are on top of their agreed outcomes and KPIs? And please don't say you email them regularly because sorry, that's not the right answer.

6. Do you manage staff issues?

If yes, then why because aren't you paying someone to do this for you on a day to day basis?

If no, then this is only great if you've delegated this to someone else and are letting them do it.

But this is not great if no one is dealing with staff issues because that means they're being ignored or dismissed in the hope they will eventually go away. Which I hate to tell you, they don't!

7. Have you clearly documented the work you want to do and the work you DON'T want to do?

If yes, then are you following this or are you digressing into other functions and tasks which you're paying people to do?

If no, then why not because don't you want to build a small business where you ONLY do the work you love (however much or as little that is) and let other people do the rest?

Now I realise for some of you reading this, my comments may be hitting a bit too close to home or seem a bit harsh.

However, if you CHOOSE to get help and CHOOSE to divert money from your own pocket to invest in employing staff, then surely you want them to have all the resources, support and tools they need to do the best job they can for you and your small business?

Yet unfortunately I see too many owners employing staff in the head honcho role (CEO/Manager) because they 'think' they want to hand over the hassle which can come with managing the daily running of the business.

And this sounds great in theory.

But in practice, if all you're doing is giving someone a role but not the responsibility and the appropriate delegation because you don't want to let go, then what's the point of employing someone to run your business?

You're just setting them (and your small business) up for failure, stress and frustration.

And if you're really honest with yourself; that's not fair to them or you, is it?

What's Next?
So why does this happen?

I believe too many owners feel if they're not SEEN in the office every day, if they don't check the little things, if they don't have long chats with their CEO/Manager every day; then they're not a great Owner and Leader.

When in fact the opposite is the case.
Think of the most successful business owners you know or admire?

Maybe Richard Branson, Bill Gates, Arianna Huffington or the Shark Tank judges come to mind.

• Do you think they're spending their time checking amounts on a payroll payment to ensure it's correct?

• Do you think they're checking every expense item and questioning 'why have we bought this stationery' etc?

• Do you think they're constantly bothering their staff with questions or lengthy discussions not linked to a specific outcome or decision?

Of course not.

They put in place the required systems along with the relevant training, as well as conducting rigorous recruitment and induction processes to ensure they not only get the right person to do what's needed; but gain the confidence they can trust the person to follow the documented procedures and systems.

Implementing systems and getting the 'right fit' person enables them to get on with what they're good at – thinking up new ways to deliver great products and services as well as building and maintaining relationships which continue to bring in business ($$$).

And remember: what matters most to your team is the quality of the time you spend with them, not the quantity.
And here's my final thought:
There's no point employing staff to help you run your small business if you haven't documented what you want them to do (systems) and/or if you won't give them the true delegated responsibility which comes with their position.

If you can't let go in a measured way, it's a waste of your time and money in both wages and productivity.

Not only will it frustrate your staff who don't feel empowered to do anything which results in performance and organisational culture issues; but in the worse case scenario, you'll lose great staff to your competitors.

So the choice is yours:

Run every component and detail of your small business which will mean you won't be freed up to work ON your business and thus stagnate your business growth.

And whether you believe it or not; this approach will also mean your health, wellbeing and relationships suffer.


Put in the necessary checks and balances (systems) to minimise risk and ensure financial viability whilst allowing staff to flourish.

Do the latter with the right people who want to help you and your small business succeed and wow –watch your business goes gangbusters.

Best of luck.


P.S Wondering how you can work with me or book me to speak at your next event?
Then let's have a chat by booking your FREE 'Ask Me Anything' 30 Minute Zoom Session with me here.
And if you're saying you don't have 30 minutes to spare, you really need to book in a session with me because I can easily create at least 1 simple strategy to save you 30 minutes a day so you've got nothing to lose!
Author: Tamara Simon

Tamara Simon uses the world of sport to coach people to grow their small business.

For over twenty-five years as a Speaker, Author and Coach, she's been providing much needed support to small business owners, CEOs and their teams so they can build, manage and grow a simple profitable business.

So if your organisation's members are small businesses or you're a small business owner who is...
- ready to GROW but not sure where to start

- overwhelmed with managing your GROWTH

- looking for possibilities to GROW further

Then check out her website to find out how to work with Tamara, and book Tamara to speak at your next event.

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