What's Better: Clean Or Messy Desk?

What's Better: Clean or Messy Desk? 
The Answer May Surprise You
5 Simple Systems To Bridge The Gap
There is so much debate, frustration and friction everyday in workplaces about the state of people's desks; to the point where I have seen many polite and not so polite versions of 'clean up your desk' signs plastered across office walls, desks and doors – even on the backs of chairs.

And yet we know that Steve Jobs, Mark Twain and Albert Einstein – all visionaries of their time – shared one common trait: a messy desk – and through what appeared to be messy chaos; emerged order, innovation and creativity.
Einstein even went on to say,
"If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?"
Which would mean a messy desk is the ideal, wouldn't it?
FOUNDATION BRICKS #2 and #3: Focus Your TIME and Design Your SYSTEMS
The answer to this riddle is yes and no.

It is true for many people with a messy desk that it's this way because they do not have single minded focus and believe multitasking is their best asset.

Which means they keep jumping from task to task, pile to pile in the hope that lots of activity will result in the desired outcome.

There is also the opposite spectrum that a clean desk with basically nothing on it gives the perception of order and completion when it can be cleverly disguising boredom, complacency and controlling tendencies.

I believe there's a need for somewhere in the middle as both a messy and clean desk can provide optimal outcomes, depending on how best people work.

To maintain a harmonious workplace with lots of people in it or just yourself if you work at home like me, I believe it's important to understand how each person including you works best and build on those strengths, rather than continually 'forcing' people to be something they are not.

For example, I work best with music on whereas others need silence to perform at their best.
So if you make me work in silence, I'm not as creative as I usually am and I'm easily distracted because I jump at the slightest noise rather than it simply blending into the background.

The same principle applies to the state of one's desk.

It would be rare to convert someone from a very messy desk to one which is completely stark at the end of each day or vice versa.

Instead, accept that everyone is different and has a right to be their own person with their own ideal working style.

As long as each staff member is highly productive in their own way, should it really matter what anyone's desk looks like?

It shouldn't but unfortunately it does.

So here's 5 simple systems to help those 'messy desk' people find a middle ground so the 'clean desk' people in the workplace can 'cope' with what they see, and vice versa.
5 Simple Systems To Relook At A 'Messy Desk'
SYSTEM #1  There's Another Way
If a clean desk person says the obvious 'clean up your desk' to a messy desk person, it is often dismissed or ignored because they have tried system after system but none of them have worked.

Just like people who have tried every weight loss program to no avail, unless you show someone a different way which would actually work for them, it is bound to fail.

So talk to the person, find out why they keep their desk in a certain way and between the two of you, I'm sure you can come up with a viable solution.
SYSTEM #2 First Impressions
Whether we like it or not, first impressions count, and unfortunately the impression a client, customer or a staff member gains from a messy desk is disorganisation and a lack of care and respect for people and property.

Translation: Poor client service, things will get missed, not a team player, lack of attention to detail etc.

So have a conversation about these real or perceived impressions, remembering Perception is unfortunately Reality, to see if there is an opportunity for a change of attitude and behaviour.
SYSTEM #3 Privacy and Confidentiality
In many positions within a business, staff are processing paperwork which contains a client, customer or an employee's private and confidential information eg bank details, personal contact information, invoices, results of training etc.

However, this paperwork is often left on desks, in plain sight, for anyone to look at either during or after business hours.

This information should be treated with the highest respect and therefore placed in folders and locked away at night in filing cabinets/drawers to ensure the information is always protected.
SYSTEM #4 Systems Save Time
Time can be lost looking for paperwork on a messy desk.

If you implement even one of these 3 simple (and low tech) systems, you'll be amazed at how much productivity increases and frustration reduces.

1. 1-31 Expanding File or Folder (aka a Bring Up Folder) to store paperwork which is due on a certain day in the month.

Each day, look at what's in the folder to determine what needs to be actioned that day eg invoices to be paid, phonecalls to be made, clients to follow up.

This has been my one of my best and simplest 'go to' system for years which is often embraced by my clients.

2. Colour Coded Folders/Post It Notes to provide a visual reminder of what needs to be done, different categories eg green finances, purple clients, yellow possible clients, red marketing.

3. Labelled In Trays/Pigeon Holes/Vertical File Organiser where items can be quickly filed.

Eg a tray for each day of the week where work for that day can be filed, Receipts to be entered, Website, Invoices to be processed, With Client (awaiting information), Partnerships, Projects, Social Media, Jobs for this week etc.

SYSTEM #5 Less Clutter Increases Energy

By decluttering at the end of each day or at least every week, your energy will increase because instead of feeling overwhelmed by the constant sight of never ending paperwork and tasks, you will see the light of satisfaction and accomplishment of what 'has been done' rather than your previous focus on 'what's not done'.
What's Next?
I know it can be hard for clean desk people and messy desk people to work
harmoniously together because each side 'doesn't get how they can work like that'.

But if there's more acceptance and understanding to gain a happy balance rather than a 'one size fits all' approach, your workplace will see a rise in productivity and profitability, and a reduction in friction which is ultimately what every business desires.

Which is simply a different way of saying (and I do):

'There's a system in everything, you just have to find it'.

So discover what your desk needs to look like to be at your most productive and then communicate that in a way which everyone understands and accepts because one size definitely doesn't not fit all.

And here's my final thought:
Embrace the message of the movie 'Frozen' movie (Let It Go) to instead focus on what's really important: getting the best out of yourself and each and every team member in your small business.
Author: The Five Little Business Pigs Book

Tamara Simon helps small business owners navigate challenging times by....

- FIXING the cracks

- FINDING missing bricks

- FACING the Wolves


For over twenty years as a Speaker, Author and Coach, she's been providing much needed support to small business owners, CEOs and their teams so they can build, manage and grow a simple profitable business they actually love.

So if your organisation's members are small businesses or you're a small business owner looking to repair, renovate or rebuild their businesses, then book your FREE 30 min chat with Tamara here.

And check out her website to find out how to work with her, and book her to speak at your next event.

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